Меню Закрити

Call for HEIs to undergo the institutional accreditation

Ukrainian HEIs are welcome to submit applications to undergo the institutional accreditation conducted by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA) and financed by the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV). For the Ukrainian HEIs this procedure will be free of charge and conducted in the framework of the joint project “Enhancement of Higher Education Quality in Ukraine” by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA) and the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA). The aim of the project is to support NAQA in developing and implementing a model for institutional accreditation. The details about the project are available at the https://haka.ee/en/haka-naqa-project/  

Link to the HAKA institutional accreditation Regulations “Conditions and Procedure for Institutional Accreditation in Ukraine”: https://haka.ee/wp-content/uploads/IA_procedure_Ukraine-2024.pdf  

A call for applications by Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) is now open.  

The eligibility criteria for HEIs are as follows: 

  1. Experience in successful study programme accreditation by NAQA. (Experience in international accreditation is welcome but not obligatory.) 
  2. The HEI offers up to 100 study programmes. 
  3. The HEI has up to 12,000 students. 
  4. As institutional accreditation will be conducted in English, key staff members are highly recommended to be proficient in English.  

Three HEIs will be selected to undergo institutional accreditation. 

Benefits for HEIs: 

  1. If compliant with institutional accreditation standards, the HEI will receive official institutional accreditation from HAKA. 
  2. Representatives from the HEI will be trained by HAKA and NAQA. 
  3. The HEI will receive feedback and recommendations on HEI’s and its internal quality assurance system development. 
  4. The HEI will gain experience in international institutional accreditation. 
  5. The HEI will have the opportunity to benchmark its internal quality assurance system against ESG 2015. 

Preliminary institutional accreditation Timeline: 

  • HEI staff training: October 2024; 
  • Self-assessment: October 2024 – March 2025; 
  • Site visit: May – June 2025; 
  • Decision: September 2025. 

To apply for participation, please fill out the questionnaire attached to this letter and send it to the following e-mail address: international@naqa.gov.ua. All applications will be reviewed by HAKA and NAQA experts.  

Application deadline: 15 August 2024.